Sunday, June 17, 2007

Here we go

So I decided to finally do a blog about photography. To be honest I've had a LiveJournal for years, but it has mostly been a place that I would post random images from shoots and things that amused me in general but it was never a place to really talk about photography.

I want this thing to be about photography, and I dont just mean posting pix and having people comment on them. To be successful in photography you need to know about more than just taking pictures. You need to know about copyright, travelling with equipment, lighting, how to find cool locations, how to build simple sets, which light stand is right for you, where to get your film processed, how to get cool packaging to sell your prints and more. You get the idea. its not just taking pictures its also developing, marketing and running your photo business like a business.

Anyway, thats what I hope to do here. I'm going to post the problems and solutions that I run into and hopefully you can gain somthing from it. We'll see. :)

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